ECCS 2012 Satellite Meeting
Research Challenges in Software Complexity
Brussels, Thursday 6 September, 2012


Tentative presenters should submit either a position paper (5 pages) or a full research paper (10 pages) via EasyChair. Papers should be prepared with the IEEE transactions templates (use A4 conference style), preferably in LaTeX. Submissions should describe innovative research, research challenges in the field, or speculative ideas with a potential to generate interesting discussions during the workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Bulletcross-disciplinary research on complexity-related aspects from other disciplines that may play a role in software development

  2. Bulletadvances and insights in factors and mechanisms that affect, deteriorate or reduce software complexity

  3. Bullettechniques and tools to compute, visualise, analyse, measure, estimate, predict, control software complexity

  4. Bulletempirical and statistical studies on software complexity and its evolution over time

  5. Bulletstudies on the relation between software complexity and software quality

All kinds of software complexity can be considered, including:

  1. Bulletdata complexity

  2. Bulletcomplexity of software processes, projects, communities, or ecosystems

  3. Bulletdescriptional, algorithmic, computational and logical complexity

  4. Bulletstructural software complexity at various levels of abstraction

  5. Bulletcomplexity of the social networks and communities involved in creating and using software

  6. Bulletcomplexity of the software environment and software ecosystem

Presenters will be selected by an international PC on the basis of a paper submission. The workshop's proceedings will be published for free as a volume of the open online CEUR Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1613-0073).